by Dr. Bryan D. Royer | April 20, 2020 | Nutrition, Wellness Lifestyle
To protect us, our immune system consists of complex cells, processes, and chemicals all working for the same purpose. But sometimes, our immune system needs our help to finish the job that it is meant to do. And so, through the use of the right dietary supplements,...
by Dr. Bryan D. Royer | March 27, 2020 | Nutrition, Running, Wellness Lifestyle
Despite what you may see from some chiropractic offices, there is no proof that chiropractic adjustments help to boost the immune system. In fact, doing so is not permitted by the Ohio State Chiropractic Board. There are many people that want to sell you unproven...
by Dr. Bryan D. Royer | May 2, 2019 | Wellness Lifestyle
Breathing is something that we do everyday that effects how we feel and most of ups don’t even know it. Dysfunctional breathing can contribute to problems of overall health and neuromusculoskeletal problems. Poor breathing can be related to problems with motor...
by Dr. Bryan D. Royer | August 4, 2012 | Healthy Hints for Harmony, Nutrition, Wellness Lifestyle
Video Transcript – New Food Pyramid Hello. My name is Dr. Bryan Royer. I’m here to give you some Healthy Hints for Harmony. Today’s topic is the New Food Pyramid. Now, most people are familiar with the food pyramid, but it has changed a bit over the years. And...
by Dr. Bryan D. Royer | June 20, 2012 | Healthy Hints for Harmony, Nutrition, Wellness Lifestyle
Learn what the best supplements are to take on a daily basis. The order of some of these has slightly changed over the years since it was initially made. The order now is the following: Vitamin D Omega-3 Fatty Acids Magnesium Multivitamin and Micronutrients Coenzyme...