5800 Monroe St. A11 Sylvania, OH

Recommended Reading


Disconnected Kids

Fundamental reading before beginning treatment

Reconnected Kids

Essential to help the child and parent cope and adapt during treatment

Phantoms in the Brain

This is the book that started my journey into neurology and made me want to become a chiropractic neurologist. Fascinating cases and innovative treatments.

Excellent book that cover many topics related to functional neurology.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

This is the book that really hooked me. Amazing stories of how problems in the brain affect a person’s reality.

Strength & Conditioning

Starting Strength

The Greyskull LP

Practical Programming

Kettlebell Simple & Sinister

Guide to Program Design

Developing Endurance

Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition

Developing the Core

Developing Agility and Quickness

Developing Speed

Developing Power

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