Online Forms
Harmony Chiropractor Center, Inc offers our patient forms online so they can be completed in the convenience of your own home or office, before you even arrive to our chiropractic office.
- If you do not already have Adobe Reader® installed on your computer, Click Here to download.
- Download the necessary form(s), print it out and fill in the required information.
- Fax us your printed and completed form(s) or bring it with you to your appointment.
New Patient Health History Form – Required
This lets us know the history and current state of your health. This form will be used as part of your history and exam. Let us know if there are any questions, concerns, goals, regarding wellness that we can we help you with.
If your main problem is a musculoskeletal or pain complaint, click the button below to download our New Patient Forms.
Additional Forms
Low Back Pain
Please print out the above forms and fill it out if you have low back pain.
Neck Pain
Please print out the above form and fill it out if you have neck pain.
Please print out the above form and fill it out if you have headaches.
Upper Extremity
Please print out the above form and fill it out if you have shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist or hand pain.
Lower Extremity
Please print out the above form and fill it out if you have pain in your thigh, knee, lower leg, ankle or foot.
Motor Vehicle Collision
If your condition is related to a car collision claim, please fill out this form. Please ask if you have any questions.
Worker's Compensation Claim
If your condition is related to a workplace injury claim, please fill out this form. Please ask if you have any questions.
Shoulder Pain
Please print out the above form and fill it out if you have shoulder pain.
Knee Pain
Please print out the above form and fill it out if you have knee pain.
Neurology – New Patient Forms
If you (or the patient) have a neurological complaint like Vertigo, ADHD, Dyslexia or Post-Concussion Syndrome, then please download and print the following form.

Notice of Privacy Policy Form
This is our Notice of Privacy Policy Form that is referenced in the New Patient Forms. If you want to view the document and/or print a copy for your records, you may do so below.