by Dr. Bryan D. Royer | August 1, 2020 | Running, Wellness Lifestyle
TIPS TO MAINTAIN GOOD POSTURE Good posture is often championed widely as being essential to remain in great health, regardless of your goals and tips to maintain this can be very helpful. Many adults move with a poor posture, which has a negative impact on their...
by Dr. Bryan D. Royer | July 2, 2020 | Common Conditions, Running, Sports Medicine
Headaches that occur after running or other types of strenuous activities are generally known as jogger’s headache, runner’s headache and weightlifter’s headache, as well as the more official-sounding terms like exertional headache or exercise headache. Before we get...
by Dr. Bryan D. Royer | June 29, 2020 | Common Conditions
Backache and back pain in pregnancy is widespread, especially in the first and the last trimester. It is estimated that approximately 50% to 70% of pregnant women experience some form of backache during pregnancy. Such pain can be caused by several factors and may...