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Hyperice Vyper 2.0 – Vibrating Foam Roller

by | July 23, 2021

The VYPER 2.0 is a cutting-edge vibrating fitness roller that’s sleek, strong, and durable beyond belief, thanks to its superior vibration and amplitude features. The product offers better trigger point release and muscle activation compared to other foam rollers on the market today. Hyperice is the same company that offers the Hypervolt percussion massage gun.

What Does a Vibrating Foam Roller Do?

  • 200% more effective compared to regular foam rollers, which promotes faster warmup and recovery.
  • Three distinct vibration settings with superior vibration and amplitude features, which offer numerous physiological benefits.
  • Cutting-edge vibration tech integrated with a durable shell that enables deeper muscle activation.
  • It’s an optimal self-myofascial release tool that can treat muscle soreness, promote blood circulation, and increase flexibility.
vibrating foam roller - Vyper 2.0

What Is a Vibrating Foam Roller Good for?

Faster recovery:

Your muscle tissues require a lot of ‘air’ after an intensive exercise session. They generally remain in a state of recovery until this requirement is satisfied. Vibrating foam rollers increase blood circulation and boost oxygen supply to fatigued muscles, thus minimizing the recovery period.

Injury prevention:

An intense workout doesn’t need to leave you tired and sore all over the body. A high-frequency vibrating foam roller offers quicker myofascial release regardless of the type of exercise, activity, or sport you’re engaged in.

Ease back pain:

People suffering from lower backaches will find a vibrating foam roller to be an optimal solution for their back pain woes.

Gain flexibility:

Foam rollers work like massages – they loosen the muscles and make it easier to get back to normal. They also promote increased flexibility, thus keeping your body in great shape.

Safe during pregnancy:

Though we recommend pregnant women to consult their doctors before using a foam roller, especially if they’re using them for the first time, foam rollers can offer some much-needed pain relief during a stressful pregnancy.

vibrating foam roller - Vyper 2.0

What are the Benefits of using a Vibrating Foam Roller?

  • You can use the vibrating foam roller during warm-up sessions to soften muscle tissue and enter cool-down mode after a tiring workout by massaging the aching parts of your body.
  • It uses an innovative combination of vibration and pressure to eliminate lactic acid buildup, promote blood circulation, and increase muscle flexibility.
  • It’s a versatile exercise tool that offers numerous benefits, just like a vigorous sports massage session.
  • Continued usage can provide an increased range of flexibility and motion, thus improving circulation.
vibrating foam roller

How to Use a Vibrating Foam Roller?

Based on how tender your muscles are and the way you utilize your roller, you might find foam rolling uncomfortable at first. However, you can enjoy tension relief and greater muscle flexibility just by increasing the length of these sessions to around 10-20 minutes every day. Follow these exercises to get started on your journey:


Sit down and stretch your legs out straight before you. Then, place both your palms behind you, using them to prop up your body. Place your foam roller under your calves. Proceed to use your hips and core to slowly move both your legs back and forth along the foam roller, which makes it move between your knees and ankles. Continue to repeat this exercise multiple times to maximize benefits.


Sit down and stretching your legs out straight before you. Then, place both your palms behind you, using them to prop up your body. Place your foam roller under your hamstrings (the upper leg region). Proceed to use your hips and core to slowly move both your legs back and forth along the foam roller, which makes it move between your glutes and knees. Continue to repeat this exercise multiple times to maximize benefits.


Start by lying down on your face with both legs stretched out straight behind you while your arms are before you. Put your foam roller underneath your quads. Use your arms to move the quads back and forth over the foam roller. Continue to repeat this exercise multiple times to maximize benefits.


Sit down and point your knees up facing the ceiling. Proceed to lift yourself using your arms. Put your foam roller under your back as well. Move your hands back while moving your body back and forth along the foam roller. Continue to repeat this exercise multiple times to maximize benefits.

Outer Thigh:

Begin by lying down on your body’s left side and stretch out your legs. Put your foam roller underneath the left hip. With your hips and glutes providing support, start rolling the outer thigh back and forth along the foam roller. Next, switch over to the other side. Continue to repeat this exercise multiple times to maximize benefits.


Stay seated on your foam roller. Put the left foot down with the right leg completely crossed over the left thigh. Then, place both your palms behind you, using them to prop up your body. Start shifting the weight towards the right. Proceed to roll the right glute back and forth on the roller by using your arms. Repeat this exercise multiple times after switching sides to maximize benefits.

Vyper 2.0

Why Use a Vibrating Foam Roller?

With multiple vibration settings, portability, high power, and durability, the Vyper 2.0 is a complete package. It offers an improved, deeper, and effective muscle recovery experience. It’s ideal for people looking to build and fortify their muscles regularly, thanks to its ability to minimize the recovery period after an intense exercise session.

Are vibrating foam rollers worth it or is a vibrating foam roller better?

Many studies have shown that vibrating rollers may have the ability to raise an individual’s pain tolerance compared to regular non-vibrating rollers. More research needs to be done to discover and confirm the benefits offered by this technology.

Do vibrating foam rollers work?

Many fitness and health professionals are increasingly turning to foam rollers for providing soft-tissue massages. The development and design of vibrating foam rollers came about from the merger of foam rolling science and vibration therapy.

What is the best vibrating foam roller?

The Vyper 2.0 is claimed to be the most effective vibrating foam roller in the world. It’s a claim well backed up by science and experience, given the number of top-level athletes who swear by it. It’s also a massive advancement over its predecessor, thanks to its new and improved features.

Where to buy vibrating foam roller?

Buy Hyperice Vibrating Foam Roller. Hyperice is used by all the major pro sports teams for many reasons their products are top-notch.

Vyper 2.0

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