5800 Monroe St. A11 Sylvania, OH

Chiropractor Unites with a Wellness Center to Make a Unique Team

by | June 20, 2007

Dr. Bryan D. Royer recently opened Harmony Chiropractic Center, Inc. at 6620 West Central Avenue in Toledo, Ohio. Dr. Royer’s practice is located in the same office as HMH Wellness Center, Inc., a massage therapy center and day spa. HMH has been established as one of the more well-known massage therapy centers in the area for several years.

Harmony Chiropractic Center, Inc. focuses on helping patients to attain an optimum level of health, instead of only treating the sick or injured. It offers chiropractic manipulation, therapeutic exercises, nutritional counseling, advanced allergy testing and foot orthotics. For those people who need assistance in regaining their health and getting relief from pain, chiropractic care and massage therapy are two conservative, but very effective methods of relieving pain.

By being housed in the same facility, Harmony Chiropractic Center, Inc. and HMH Wellness Center, Inc. offer something unique to the Toledo area: one building that promotes health and wellness though chiropractic care and massage therapy along with other healing and relaxing procedures. Debra Keller, owner of HMH Wellness Center, Inc. says, “I am really excited because we will be able to help people to achieve a wellness management plan to a healthy, happy and balanced body from a physical, mental and emotional standpoint. Consider adding chiropractic and massage therapy to your health care regimen to achieve optimal health and to prevent future health concerns.”

On July 12, 2007, Dr. Royer will be hosting an open house at his office from 4:00pm to 7:00pm for the community to come meet him and ask questions about chiropractic and how it relates to health and wellness.

More information about Dr. Royer

Dr. Bryan D. Royer has been practicing chiropractic medicine in the Toledo area since 2005. He graduated summa cum laude as the class salutatorian from the National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) in 2004. Dr. Royer’s earned a Bachelor of Science with a major in biology from the University of Dayton in 1999 and another Bachelor of Science with a major in human biology in 2002 from NUHS. He is a member of the American Chiropractic Association, the Ohio State Chiropractic Association, the Michigan Association of Chiropractors, the Northwest Ohio Chiropractic Association and the ACA Council on Neurology.

Dr. Royer graduated from a post-graduate program in functional neurology, a clinical field that can help improve the quality of life for those patients with movement disorders, traumatic brain injuries, vertigo and dizziness among other problems. He has taken extensive post-graduate classes in clinical nutrition and impairment ratings for disability evaluation.

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