5800 Monroe St. A11 Sylvania, OH

Health & Wellness 2021 – Toledo City Paper

by | January 13, 2021

I was fortunate enough to be included in a Toledo City Paper Feature called Health & Wellness 2021 that was published on 01/01/2021. Below are my answers to the questions.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? 

We help people suffering from painful muscle and joint conditions to get back to their lives without pain. Figuring out people’s puzzles and problems gets me excited, so I start by doing a comprehensive multi-step evaluation to find the right starting point for you. I help guide people back to your path to recovery using effective treatment techniques in my office, like chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, Graston Technique, and massage therapy. We do things a little differently due to the fact that I have unique expertise as one of the only chiropractic physicians in the Toledo, OH area to have multiple certifications and specialties beyond ordinary chiropractic care. We can help you get rid of your pain, so you can do what you love again.

When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? 

Our family has a goal of visiting every National Park in the US and that is for sure the major way that I like to unwind. Unfortunately, I can’t hit a National Park every week so we tried to spend a good deal of time outside. My kids became good enough at riding bikes this year to try to do some longer rides than just around the neighborhood, so we hit the Towpath and the Beach Ridge Mountain biking trail repeatedly this past year. We’ve frequented Metroparks Toledo in general this year whether or not it was riding bikes, hiking or kayaking. Working out is also something that is cathartic and I plan on spending a lot of time with my kettle bells and my heavy bag.

Would you rather train for strength or train for endurance? 

When it comes down living life, I prioritize things in this order: mobility, strength and endurance. In order to do any skill, you have to have the mobility to be able to do that skill. After that you build adequate strength, then you build your endurance. So what you do depends on what your goals are and where you are at currently in your training. That all being said, I would say that I am built more for strength training than I am for endurance. I personally don’t like running and endurance training even though I know I need to do it, so given the option, I’d rather lift something heavy.

Would you rather take a boxing class or a yoga class? 

Despite that fact that yoga would probably be better for me as I am lacking the flexibility that I once had. I would pick boxing. And not just a kickboxing class, but one that would actually teach how to box and need headgear occasionally. I took Shaolin Kung Fu for years and I definitely miss sparring and regularly hitting the bags. It was so much fun.

Do you use any health, fitness, or mindfulness apps?

There’s a couple of them that I use. My favorite app for logging workouts is called Strong. I use an app called Seconds Pro in order to do anything that has to do with timing anything like my stretching routine or foam rolling or any kind of HIIT workout. Meditation/mindfulness apps that I would recommend would include Waking Up or Ten Percent. And the final one that I will use personally and in my office was originally developed in order to assess people for concussions is called EQ Brain Performance, which is used to track how well your brain performs over time. The app has seven fun neurological games and it is really helpful for evaluating people with neurological issues but, it can be used on healthy people to find your baseline or any weak areas.

Tell us about one of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a client or customer. How did it make you feel? 

Doing what I do, impactful experiences are kind of commonplace especially when it comes to people recovering from neck and back pain. There are some that stick out. Helping one runner qualify for the Boston Marathon was really exciting. Another one was a patient that was scheduled to race in a half-marathon and she had been having a hard time with her knee. She thought she was going to have to cancel her race but with treatment her pain started to melt away. She was also given extra exercises in order to help address deficiencies and problems with her gait. She went from not thinking she would be able to race to getting a personal record and improving her half marathon time by around 12 minutes (which is impressive). She has done well and even gone on to complete several Ironman triathlons.

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