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Myth: Chiropractors are not real doctors

by | March 29, 2017

Some people wonder whether or not a chiropractor is a doctor. I guess it really depends on what the definition of a “real” doctor is. The question is if you think that only the medical doctors have the right to be called “Doctor“, then what you call someone who has a PhD in molecular biology? There are many people who believe that a “real” doctor is only someone who can give a pill or cut out a body part. Both of these are very aggressive forms of medicine where there are a lot of side effects. This is one of the problems with the practice of medicine in the United States because everyone is looking for the magic pill that will make their problem go away. People don’t want to have to change their behavior or put work into getting better.

Chiropractors are not medical doctors

A chiropractic physician is not the same as a medical doctor. Chiropractic physicians do not prescribe medication and to not perform surgery. Much of our training is similar but chiropractic physicians actually need more hours in school than a medical doctor and we have way more training in anatomy than medical doctors do. Take a look here to see a comparison between the schooling of a chiropractic physician and a medical doctor (allopathic physician). You can see that the schooling is very similar.

A Doctor of Chiropractic degree is considered to be a first professional degree and as such is entitled to the use of the title “Doctor”. In fact all of the following professions are first professional degrees: Juris Doctor, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Doctor of Chiropractic, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Optometry, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, and Doctor of Audiology.

Chiropractic physicians are primary care practitioners who work as a first contact healthcare professional, just like a medical doctor. Chiropractic physicians are spine and joint care experts and are definitely considered to be doctors.

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